With radical usage of outdoor gear comes the risk of damage. For many other outdoor products, this often marks the end of a fully functional product due to a broken zipper or a tear in the fabric. At Radical Design, we do things differently!
Our products are developed without unnecessary frills, making them extremely hard-wearing. However, in the event of unavoidable damage, we offer our repair service to restore your gear to as-good-as-new condition in just five simple steps.
Starting in 2024, we’ll make this process even smoother by dedicating time twice a year to focus entirely on repairs—together as a team. During these special weeks, in April and October, we’ll work efficiently and collaboratively to ensure your gear is ready for your next adventure.
Step 1: Send us an email describing the damage and requested repairs. It is helpful to attach some photos of the damaged area. We’ll reply with our view on the problem and add a cost quotation including shipping cost and lead time.
Step 2: Make sure the bag is clean, dry and free from sand and dust. Mark the damages you would like to have repaired (e.g. with some stickers). This makes it much easier for us to find the damage and to know what is to be repaired or not.
Step 3: Securely package the product, adding your name and return address in the box.
Step 4: Ship it, preferably with an insured shipping service. The shipping costs are on you so many choose the most affordable service.
Step 5: After we have received your product, we’ll repair it within 5 working days. In case of delay or unexpected costs, we’ll contact you. We then email you the invoice with a payment link for credit card, PayPal or iDeal and return the repaired product with one of our shipping agents.
To read more on our Guarantees and After-Sales Service see our Terms and conditions.